Friday, November 28, 2008

Access Lab

I visited Mary G. Montgomery and they were very nice and let me visit their access lab. The person I met with was Mr. Rose. He was very nice to us. He showed us the access lab. It was very neat. He showed us how he could zoom in on student not only in his classroom but in other classrooms. The microphone was so advanced that he could talk in his normal voice anywhere in the room and students who were at other school watching him could hear him as if he were standing right in front of them.
Mr. Rose told us that in order to get picked to be an instructor for the access labs that you have to teach something out of the ordinary. It has to be something that most schools don't offer like advanced British Literature. He introduced us to other teachers which I thought was very nice of him.
While we were in his classroom there was another class going on. It was a group of students taking an online course. They had a different teacher than Mr. Rose. I don't remember her name but she was very nice to us. We got to walk around and look at what they doing. The students were very nice to us as well.
Over all the experience went well.

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